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A Mile Fly... for fun!

As a masters swimmer, there are always fun challenges that other teams host for all to try. A current challenge is the "Non Free Mile", where you swim fly, back, breast or a mixture of them to compete in a mile. Well... I decided, "let's try this fly?!".


Not even a week out from Masters Y Nationals, I dove in and did a nice tempo of pull, kick, kick for 66 laps of butterfly. It honestly was not as bad as you would think. It was a little boring, but I just let my brain wonder. What was my starbucks order going to be after practice? Was that 22 laps or 24? and so on. Luckily, I had a teammate doing a mile breaststroke, who did lap me. So I knew when they finished, I had a 50 to go.

So, what did I learn?

Sometimes slow and steady is okay (usually not the case in swimming, but it works in this scenario)

Continue to challenge myself

I have a lot in me that I do not give myself credit for- can you relate to that?

Have you accomplished something that you never thought you could do?


A week later, I did another mile, this time backstroke with one of my teammates. It was great, just moving my arms, moving my legs, a little kick here a little kick there, flip, repeat.

A week after that, I decided it was time for breaststroke, this one I did long course, at least I only had to do 30 pullouts instead of 66. It was okay, definitely the most taxing of all of them, which I was surprised by. The next day, I went to swim- my knees were so sore! Also, the following day. It took me 3 days to recover from a mile breaststroke!

Overall, it was a fun challenge- I can say I have done it, and we get a cool patch for each stroke-mile we did! I better get my results in!! Who wants to try it with me next year??

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