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Updated: Feb 29


As much as it is important to ensure that your swimmers have all the fuel they need to be as successful as possible throughout a weekend meet, it is just as important to make sure you are also eating the way you should. 

As yummy as a concessions hot dog or nachos may sound, that is definitely not the way to go, if at all possible. 

As you are grocery shopping for your swimmers before the meet, make sure you are also planning and preparing for what you will need for your hours at the pool! There are so many pre-made grab and go foods to eat or you can always portion out your own. Do NOT bring the big bag of chips, either get a smaller bag, or put a controlled portion into a baggie. Of course, you can eat some yummy snacks, but you do not need the whole bag, if you bring them, you will eat them, so portion yourself. Grab the hummus, veggie sticks and nuts.

No successful meet is complete without proper hydration. Have your trusty refillable water bottle, whether you're soaking in the chlorine indoors or basking in the sunshine outdoors. Skip the temptation of extra Gatorades intended for the swimmers—stick to the simplicity of water to keep yourself in top form.

If you are able to pack your lunch, that is even better! When you are at an "away meet", where you are staying in a hotel and eating 3 meals a day out, you are not eating the same way you are eating at home in your daily life. By at least controlling a mid day meal with something close to your normal diet, you will be balancing the constant eating out that comes along with those long weekend away meets. This will help with not feeling so blah from sitting at a swim meet all weekend. 

**IDEA**You can make a fun tradition, find a locally owned coffee shop for your morning cup, after you drop the kids off for warm up. Find a new spot to check out and treat yourself before you spend the day sitting at the pool!

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