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Last week, I was reflecting with a 10 year old client about a successful swim meet they had the past weekend. I asked them, what was one thing they could remind themselves before each race to keep a positive mindset. They replied that "I can remind myself that I can do hard things". What a powerful statement from a child!

I have been sitting with this comment and replaying the conversation in my head, and I thought- This is such a great reminder for all of us! Swimmers, parents, non swimmers, other athletes, siblings, adults - whomever. We Can Do Hard Things!

In a society with immense pressures, some we put on our selves and others that come from social media, the work place, the pool, school- everywhere, there are so many avenues for self doubt to creep in. How do we tell that evil voice in our head to hush! We need to clear our mind of the negative thoughts, let the past stay in the past, the future is yet to come and stay in the present moment and remind ourselves that we can do hard things! Just get after it! Give 110% and see where our efforts take us! No more of the "what if xyz happens" or "she is going to beat me" (in the context of sports), "I'm slow", "I am awful at this event" and the list goes on.

"I didn't study hard enough"

"I am going to bomb this presentation"


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